Thursday, June 8, 2017

   Final assignment Class evaluation
           Well for starters I liked the fact that I got a teacher like Mr Haymore since he taught me many great things like to be a ctr person. I also like how the class is so organized.Another thing that I like is all the inspirational quotes on the walls of this very class. Another thing that I like about the class is what were be taught and explained thoroughly and we have some examples from videos. I like that Mr Haymore lets us write all our dreams in our notebook and one day they will come true as long as you work hard for it. The list can go on I am very glad I have been apart of this class.

      Things that I didn't like about the class is all the distraction. One distraction that I would like to talk about is the students talking a lot in the class when it's not even about the subject. Another thing I don't like is the fact that you feel a bit squished from the sides since you're close to people sitting next to you. Sometimes I gotta admit it is a bit boring in some occasions.. This is all that I don’t like about this class. I hope to see some improvement in the further future.

        Well for starters  maybe separate the computers a bit further away in some tables since their close to each other. Maybe learn a bit more about other contents besides medicine and ctr but keep it in the class. We can also try to put more inspirational quotes on the walls. We can also do other sites to help us improve in our skills such as like having to do better in our 4 categories one of them being to critically think. This is all I gotta say to improve the class.

       Well one thing that stands out to me the most was presenting the class with the ctr project. I felt nervous at the beginning i'll be honest but I eventually did the whole presentation. I'm glad i did that presentation because it helped me improve in my speaking skills. I also liked the fact that I felt good doing so by admiring people who have taught to be ctr. Again I am proud to have done this presentation.

      Yes I did do my best, I know because I've put a lot of effort into making my student success statements and doing my research on many things. I also put my heart and soul into making the ctr presentation and I still cherish it since I got to talk about my heroes who are ctr. I also volunteered in class since I loved this class. I also tried my best in doing my goals journal exciting and writing it in the weeknds. This is all I got to say for knowing I tried my best in this class.

      Yes I have but some rare days I keep on either forgetting or have special occasions to attend to. I read them because I want t achieve these dreams. Some of my dreams are inspiration from others. The one dream that stands out to me is becoming a famous youtuber. I want to achieve this because I've been wanting to be one since I was nine. I would be doing gaming on my channel since gaming is my love, comfort and my life. This is all I gotta say for my dream journal.

   Yes I am since I have been taught that ctr brings peace and happiness to others. I hope others will commit to this to. I want to be ctr to influence others. I also want to be ctr to be successful and choose everything correctly. Ignorance leads to bad choices. Ill make sure that I become ctr for my sake. I thank Mr. Haymore for being my teacher and teaching me the right. May his legacy live on.
Image result for ctrImage result for ctr

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