Monday, February 27, 2017

                           Student Success Statement

     “Right is right only when entire.”                  Victor Hugo

 I believe he is right because what he is saying that in order for a truth to be true every detail of something has to be true. For example when friend says he found a dollar on the floor, he didn't instead he found a twenty dollar bill on the floor. It's kind of like you have to tell the whole story in order for it to be true. I wonder if maybe some parts abit of a lie of his speech like maybe you can miss a tiny detail. For example if right is right sometimes doing the wrong thing is sometimes right in some situations. There are some aspects I do believe from this and some not. This concludes my student success statement on Victor Hugo’s speech

.Image result for Victor Hugo

         The Naturopathic Doctor

       The duties and responsibilities of a Naturopathic doctor are to use natural healing methods such as physiology, psychology, or  Mechanical methods. They also diagnose, treat, treat, and help prevent disease on patients.

      Their salary depends on what state they're in but it ranges from 65000 dollars to 77000 dollars.

      The education that a licensed Naturopathic doctor needs comes from a four year graduate level medical school.

     The demand or need for this a physical psychology or mechanical methods.

      Image result for Naturopathic DoctorsImage result for Naturopathic DoctorsImage result for Naturopathic DoctorsReflection: No I don't think I would want to be a Naturopathic doctor because I already have a goal for myself. The thing I do like is the healing that you can do physically and mentally. In my opinion is one of the greatest and most interesting things in this world. This ends my research on Naturopathic doctor.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

                                    Medical Doctor for US Navy

The duties and responsibilities of a medical doctor in the navy is to depends on what specialty you are like the physicality of a person such as check ups and more.

 The physician's salary is 167,292 US dollars in the Navy

You must graduate from medical school in order to become a Navy doctor.

The demand for this particular career is you must have training and have the right equipment.Image result for navy doctorImage result for navy doctorImage result for navy doctor

Summary: No I would not want to be one because I already have a goal but it would be a nice thought to be a healer for the sick welp I guess my medicine will be laughter. I've always wanted to learn how to make medicine and to heal the sick and wounded but I don't want to be in an office for check ups and do boring things. This ends my research on the research of the medical doctors in the Navy.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

              Student Success Statement

 “Associate yourself with men (people) of good quality if you esteenyour own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.”                                                  George Washington

   In my opinion I strongly agree with George Washington that what he says. In this way we are mature and choosing the right because what he says is true  why would you want to be with people who treat you wrong. This also helps us gain a sense of better choices. I really do admire George Washington for his speech for he can teach us all to know what's better for us. I wonder how did come up or have an idea on how to make a wise speech like this. He will be influenced by many for generations to come for he is a great inspiration to us all. This concludes my Student Success  Statement on the wise speech of George Washington.

Image result for George Washington                                                                        Image result for George Washington

                                           Mental Health Counselor
           The duties of a mental health counselor are to conduct mental health assessments develop individual treatment plans, and other things that help people with their mental health.

           A mental health counselors salary consist around 43,190  US dollars.

           The education that a mental health counselor needs is just a masters degree or up.

           The demand or need for this profession is just study of the mind

Image result for mental health counselorImage result for mental health counselorImage result for mental health counselor
Reflection. No I dont think I would want to do this because it just not my interest and I already have a goal. I just hope people can learn a lot from mental health and to think positive.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

                     Presidents Day

 Presidents day began when people started celebrating George Washington's final year as president. People still think today that president day is when the president goes in office but this is not true. People even thought it was about celebrating the precedence of history birthdays. No we are celebrating George Washington's birthday. To honor presidents day we can show up to his memorial or mount Rushmore. We can attend Washington dc for the new president being signed into the white house.We can commemorate George Washington for what he has done o this great nation.
Image result for George Washington

Presidents day wouldn't be here if George Washington werent alive.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

                 History of Valentine's Day

   Valentine's day first appeared not as love but as king of like a thanksgiving ceremony in Western Christian liturgy feast day honoring saints like valentine. It is celebrated in many regions around the world. The first time Valentine's day became a loving subject is when the tradition of courtly love became more popular and more accepted. The first tradition was to send love cards or flowers to lovers. In Europe Saint Valentine's day was celebrated by giving keys as a symbol of love and to unlock the giver's heart.Did you know many saints were named Valentine. The fiest day day of Valentine's day is still celebrated in Balza Maltan. Legends say that Saint Valentine's Day was a priest of Rome. Though many documents of him and others were destroyed. There are many other traditions relating to Valentines day but I celebrate the one with love. I wonder why people for back then moved on from eating to loving. In my opinion im glad they did this because what would the world be without modern Valentines Day. I wonder in the future if Valentines day will be changed again and to what. Who really did create the first valentines day. Will our tradition of Valentines day ever die or be forgotten. This ends my discussion and writting on the history of Valentines Day and I thank you for taking your time and seeing this .

Image result for the history of valentine day wikipediaImage result for the history of valentine day wikipedia

Friday, February 10, 2017

                                           Student Success Statement

“In life as in football, you won’t go far, unless you know where the goalpost are”
 Arnold H. Glasgow

   I believe he is telling us that you must a goal to make some great accomplishments in life. And to go above and beyond.He has set a great and inspirational example for a meaning of life. I agree with him because better to die doing something you want or love then to die with doing or not even accomplishing anything. I wonder what other people's thoughts what a meaning of life means to them. I believe he has a point on to do or do not as the saying goes. I wonder if Arnold H Glasgow is still alive..This ends my Student Success Statement on Arnold's speech. Image result for arnold h glasow
                                A YouTuber

  My dream is to become a youtuber and yes it is a career.

The duties and responsibilities of a YouTuber is to make videos daily and entertain people.

A salary a YouTuber makes depends oh how well their channel is and the views they have.
The education depends on what kind of YouTuber you are, for example if you're a gaming youtuber you have to have great audio but the most important thing is editing your videos or if you want to animate on YouTube then you have to go to an animation studio and learn how to animate.

The demand for this career is to make great content, videos and also what the people would want you to do.                                                   
Image result for jacksepticeyeImage result for ihascupquakeImage result for markiplierIm mostly into gaImage result for ld shadow ladyming like these fellow YouTubers so my dream is to become like them but in my way. I want to be one because it's been my dream since I was 9 to become one and it involves my favorite thing to do which is gaming. Also I get to be my own boss. I also want to make people happy, inspire them, and to entertain. In Conclusion these are the reasons why I want to be a youtuber.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

                                                    Chris paul

    Chris Paul is a remarkable person with a wonderful heart. To live a meaningful and great life you have to be good. Chris Paul is a great example because he is selfless and made 61 shots to dedicate it to his grandfather. Now that's a person I look up to inspire me enough to choose the right. He thought he would never make all those shots but he did because he chose to do good and to be selfless. Now i'm starting to wonder if death sometimes causes lessons and greatness towards people to become a better person but at the same time its sad. What a great person Chris paul turned out to be because of his right choices. This ends the summary of a great man named Chris Paul. Now that I see everything I should be more considerate to people. Image result for Chris PaulImage result for Chris Paul
                                  Student Success Statement

“Only those live who do good.” Count Leo Tolstoy

In my opinion I think he's telling us that we should all have a positive attitude to have a great life. If you really do live you need happy moments. For instance if you leave all your teammates out of a winning game then you won't enjoy the moment with those you love around you. Another example is of Tom Brady winning the super bowl he wasn't selfish and dedicated the win to himself he knew it was a team effort and dedicated the game to his mom. He didn't go to his fans when he won the game, he went to his family. I strongly agree with this statement from Leo Tolstoy and I hope everyone realises this to. This ends my student success statement.Image result for count leo tolstoy images
                              Medical Scientist

Duties and responsibilities of a medical scientist are discovering new ways on enhancing a humans health or a new method on how to do so, perform researches on bacteria, clinical investigations, and more

A salary of a medical scientist is 82,240 US

The education that a medical scientist is required to have is a doctoral or professional degree

The demand or need in a medical scientist profession is a phd in biology or other Image result for medical scientistImage result for medical scientist

No I don't think I want to become one because in my opinion it would be boring to be in a office and to have to research stuff. I also have a goal to achieve that doesn't involve any medical field.  My dream is to become a youtuber. If I had to be in a medical field I would love to make medicine because one its a interesting concept I can help others out. This ends my reflection on Medical Scientist.

Monday, February 6, 2017

                  Dr. Ben Carson.

   A CHOICE: Poverty or Prosperity

“I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and I can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard I want to work, and I decided that I would change it.”

Such an inspirational he is, he even saves a lot of lives. I believe he is telling uas that we control our own destinies. He wants us not to blame it on others and try to change our lives for the better. We should all know how to determine whether were bad or good but at the same time no one is born bad. Look at Ben Carson he took something bad and made it good. I wonder what is he doing today. Who wouldve thought that a person like him would make a difference out of himself and speak strong words.This ends my student success statement on Ben Carson.Image result for ben carsonImage result for ben carson
                                                     Video Games

The reason why I chose this topic was because video games is my hobby and my life, it gives me comfort and helps me escape reality. One day i'm thinking of making video games a career for me like i'm thinking of starting A youtube channel revolving around it. Studies show that kids can have a great mind full of imagination. It can also teach people stuff they don't even know. Video games have also believe it or not have saved lives. A world of warcraft player was walking in the woods and saw a moose charge at him so as his instincts tell him to play dead. He realised this from the game's tutorial of playing dead for mooses, weird coincidence right. I wonder who even thought of a concept of making games virtually. To me video games are way to have fun and a relief of stress. Some video games have motion and exercise like take just dance for instance they have a fun concept and it helps you exercise. I don't know why people have a hate for gamers they say what are you going to make a living out of playing and tapping on that board well I laugh at them because many youtubers wouldn't be them without gaming. Take Jacksepticeye for example he entertains people while playing, has fun , and makes a living out of it. This ends my analysis on gaming.. Image result for video gamesImage result for clash royaleImage result for clash royale valkyrie

Thursday, February 2, 2017


      I am thinking of going to japan for its rich and interesting culture. It might also have to do with me liking anime and kawaii things.Japan has wonderful places to go to like all the mountains and beautiful forest.  When I get to Japan the one thing I would love to see is the cherry blossoms.
Japan is a island with dense cities and mountainous national parks. I would love to learn about the interesting history such as all the famous warriors, emperors, and many more fascinating artifacts. The reason why I chose Japan is because of the fine delicacy of the art, history, culture, and many more. I would also want to see the weapons they used during the ancient times.I wonder what people I will meet throughout my journey in japan. The music is one of the most importing things I'm interested in japan like the traditional music from the flutes, chimes, and others. I am curious what do the people do there that's different in America like the games they play or what customs do they do.The one thing I know they do is celebrating the year of some animals, my personal favorite is the year of the dragon. I wonder what structures of the city do they have or the magnificent statues they have dedicated to.In Conclusion This is why I would love to visit Japan.

Image result for japanImage result for japan