Thursday, May 18, 2017

        Making video Games.

  Before I get into detail of this career I just wanna say that although their many people like producers and other people with specific jobs on making video games , I'm just gonna talk about if their was an individual making their game and their job to make it and yes there has been people who have done a video game by themself.

     The person's duty is to make sure that they make the game very well and enjoyable for people to play. The way they do this is by (optional) using apps, or a computer to edit the animation and style of the game not to mention all the coding that has to be done to implement to the game to be playable. Depending on what platform you what you want the game to be played on for example you want to make it playable on a smartphone then you have to go to the company or the person who created like an app to play games such as google store to tell them what you want to do and if they agree with you they can code it in for you to be playable.

  The salary depends on how good the game is, the ratings, and the quality the creator puts into it.

   If you want to make games there are tutorials online to make video games and what equipment you need and how to code it in a platform. Or you an go to a college that teaches yu coding, graphic design and everything else that can help you make a video game.

  There is no demand or need for this position.
Image result for clash royaleImage result for making video gamesImage result for making video gamesImage result for clash royale
Yes I may consider of making video games mostly as apps because videogames are my hobby.  The only problem I have is what college or place i'm going to learn how to make my games. I hope my games will turn out successful and for people to enjoy. I wonder what the future hold for me in the gaming industry. This ends my career choice of the topic of making video games.

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